About Me
I’m a cake bakin’, beer drinkin’, beach bitch living in Santa Barbara with my hot ass husband, Tim {I think you’ll agree} and our fluffy, fat meow-mix, Lars {AKA fat head, Mr. Sister, hot potato, piggy piggy piglet, Lars-in-charge, The Son, pork palace, sweet, sunshine baby + more}.
I’m here to bring you genuine stories of my travels and my everyday.
I try really hard to surround myself with things that make me feel full and then share them with all of you: friends & family, food, nature, interiors, travel.
Stay tuned for my findings of fragrant flowers, heavy metal music, tattoos, hot beach days, exotic food, classic literature, Mexican beer, black coffee, pink parties, Essie nail polish, smoking joints and impressionist paintings.
Cheers bitches!